Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Pentecost Sunday Wynn Funnel 19th May 2024 24.63 MB
Acts 2: 1-21 read by Jennifer Blamey
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Morning Sermon - 21 April 2024 Ken Smith 21st April 2024 19.04 MB
Readings 1 John 4: 1-6, John 10: 11-18
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Morning Sermon - 14 April 2024 Revd Andy Lowe 14th April 2024 21.19 MB
Morning sermon by Revd Andy Lowe. Reading: Luke 24: 36b-48
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Easter Sunday Service - 31st March 2024 Rev Cynthia Park 31st March 2024 20.99 MB
Easter service led by Revd Cynthia Park. Happy Easter everyone!
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7 July 2024 Rev Andy Lowe 7th July 2024 21.41 MB
Morning worship sermon the Rev Andy Lowe - Bible month reading: Genesis 1: 1-5
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5 May 2024 Rev Andy Lowe 5th May 2024 18.83 MB
Morning service sermon, the Rev Andy Lowe. Reading: John 15: 9-17
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30 June 2024 Revd Dan Woodhouse 30th June 2024 24.54 MB
Reading: Mark 5: 21-43
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28 April 2024 Rev Kathleen Richardson 28th April 2024 13.52 MB
Morning service sermon. Readings: Acts 8: 26-40 and John 15: 1-8
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23rd June 2024 Stella Goddard 23rd June 2024 9.8 MB
AM Morning Worship led by Stella Goddard
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21 July 2024 Revd Duleep Fernando 21st July 2024 30.22 MB
Genesis 32: 22-32
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2 June 2024 Revs Heather Leake Date and Andy Lowe 2nd June 2024 18.82 MB
Morning service reflections. Reading: Luke 14, 12-23. Asking questions about Luke 14: 12 - 23 How would it feel to have no one turn up at your party? What do you think the servant was thinking and feeling? Would you go to a strangers’ party at short notice? What would influence your decision? What was your favourite part of the story? What happened as a result of the banquet? What do you think happened next and what was the impact on those who attended?
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
16th June 2024 Paul Steadman 16th June 2024 17.62 MB
2024 Fathers Day Morning Worship led by Paul Steadman
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12 May Anniversary Sunday Ken Smith 12th May 2024 5.23 MB
Anniversary Sunday, 12 May sermon, Mr Ken Smith. Reading: John 21: 1-14
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